Apr 23, 2004 23:42
So much has been going on I have had to take a really long break from the LJ world. I haven’t even updated about prom but since that’s literally so last week I will just say that it was once again so much fun!! Things just seem to have a way of working out. After prom was fun also in its own little way, I just love hanging with my friends even though we were so Bored we couldn’t bring ourselves to play Board games. Hehe
This week has been jammed packed with things to do I don’t’ really even remember the things I have done at the beginning of the week so I’ll start with Wednesday-
Wednesday after school Jess, Wes, Deel and I played tennis over at the dam.
Thursday after school I came home and mom, dad and Jesse were going to Norton. I decided I was going to stay home so I went to the baseball game. We lost pretty badly, but it was fun just hanging with Minion, Sedina, and Amy, they absolutely crack me up!
During the last inning Wes got there and we hung out after the game!
*Game Highlights*
~Picture and Hug!
~”She’ll never bathe again”
~”It’s right there...”I couldn’t move!”
Anyway this evening after coming home I left to go to Kayla’s around 5:00. She, Wes, Rocky and I watched movies. We didn’t actually watch an entire movie but bits and pieces of some really good ones! I am sure there are some funny thing that went on but all I remember is that I laughed until I cried practically the whole night. We need to do things like that more often. Before I left Kay’s Rocky decided he was going to go show me were he calls turkey from, that was an experience he drove my car so just imagine!
*Movie Night Highlights*
~”She has pretty eyes!”
~I got robbed by a sweet old lady on a motorized cart!
~Mine and Rocky’s dog pile
~”It’s ears just kind of flip down!”
-“Isn’t that the whole reason to get it stuffed?”
~Our love fern…”YOU LET IT DIE!”
I am sure there are some more what with me and Rocky and Wes all there!
After I left Kayla’s, Wes and I decided to cruise for a while. Arrington had never seen me down there before so he stopped and “picked me up” and I road around with him until around 10:30 then I came on home. I may cruise again another time, as long as it’s someone else’s gas!
Well, I am tired, and I need my beauty rest for mine and Kayla’s double date tomorrow! I am getting really excited, seeing as how the past 3 days have been very productive I am keeping my fingers crossed that all goes as well as expected!
*Kayla for getting into the OTC program
*Britt for winning in track
*Tabitha for getting a butt load of money in scholarships
*LeRae, Britt, Tab, Kayla and Susan for being Valedictorians
*Seth for being Salutitorian
*Kristy, Cody, Charles and I for being the rest of the top ten! hehe:)
A lot has been going on in the lives of my friends lately I am so glad that my senior year was turned out to be one of my best years!!!
Anyway, I'm gone!