Oct 18, 2004 22:05
Behind on Rent? I will buy...
Reply to: anon-46025448@craigslist.org
Date: 2004-10-18, 7:33PM PDT
Behind on rent?
I will buy:
Beer Kegs (new or used) (15.5g SS) - $10
copper pipe (new or used) - $0.25/lbs
postage (self adhesive)- 75%
gold coins/bar - $300/troy ounce $9.65/gram
gift cards Home Depot or Lowes - 75%
Other gift cards - 60%
VHS - Ferris Beuler's Day Off - $3
vending machines - best offer
guitars - best offer
Snap On tools (most-no engravings) - 25% of catalogue
autographed picture of Captain Kangaroo - $25
Euros - $1/Euro
Yuan (Chinese) - $0.07/Yuan
Most other world currencies - email.
live chickens (female) - $2