Jan 27, 2008 21:49
Nowadays, A lot of people are very busy in their school, work and families. Therefore, these people do not have the time to appreciate the environment. The only way to do this is through ecotourism.
I think ecotourism is good for a country as it promotes the country’s flora and fauna. It is also a good way for busy people to have their holiday by visiting other country’s cultural heritage.
It is also good for the community as individuals who like cultural heritage can have this choice of tourism. It could raise awareness of the importance of our ecosystem and reminds us to take care and appreciate it instead of ruining it. therefore, publics know how to prevent them from being extinct for example, by eating less shark fins, it could help to prevent the extinction of sharks.
Countries could improve their economy through tourism and eco tourism is one of the good ways. This is because by allowing tourist to come and visit the cultural heritage, it could help to boost up the economy of the country. Whatever the tourist buys in the country could help to boost the economy of the country.
If only we all could take some time to go to the nature reserve to know more about our environment, it may slow down the effects of global warming as we could take more precautions towards it.
2nd ussw