Jun 10, 2005 01:50
About a week and a half ago I began my job for the summer. I applied at more places than I can even remember. Luckily a place I actually really wanted to work at called me back and hired me. I am now a whore to the retail wonder known as EXPRESS. My first night was rather disappointing. It was lonely. I didn't know anybody and I just folded shirts for hours.... and when I was done (and they thought I wasn't looking), someone went back and fixed what I had done. Apparently I had done most of it wrong.... That night I left late, really late. I'd never seen that section of New York that late at night. At first glance it was beautiful, a dark night lit by towering lights, but when you looked closer you saw something you didn't want to see. The poor, the homeless, the less fortunate. It was sad to know that I complain every day about my financial shortcomings while these people look at me as they beg for money and food. But, Coldplay lied to you, we do not live in a beautiful world, and so as hundreds and thousands of New Yorkers do every day (and as we were probably trained to do by our parents), we ignore these poor souls and accept this as a part of life we cannot fix...so so sad.
My second night at work was a bit better. I picked up a little quicker on what had to be done in my section and by the end of the night my efforts were enough and it didn't need any "retouching".
By the third night I had an epiphany. I love my job. I get to dress up every day (something I love doing but rarely have occasions to do), I get to go to the heart of the city, help gorgeous European men find jeans, drool over all those gorgeous men and then fold clothes while talking to super interesting people... and someone pays me a decent amount of money to do this all. How lucky can a boy get?
While I do enjoy the gorgeous European men and their limited English vocabularies, the best part of my job is by far my 40+ coworkers. It such an amazing group of people. There are some with fierce determination, some with outrageous attitudes, some with an animosity towards everything in the world and some with a love for all. Some are beautiful, some are cute, some are hot, some are flamboyant, some are manly, some are shy, and some are fabulous. Some are striking, some are strong, some are dark as onyx, some are artsy, some are pale as snow and some have southern charm... All distinctly different, yet noticeably the same.
As if I wasn't already having an excellent time, the Fates decided to do me one better. Nearly every night I work I can come home, turn on my computer, go online and find a message from a special guy. A guy who one day just materialized out of thin air. In a lifetime I've know him for minutes (and I use the term "known" liberally), but I get the feeling this is only the beginning of something beautiful. So here's to hoping those minutes become hours, those hours become days and those days...
This glass is most definitely half full
Good Fight and Good Night