May 30, 2004 21:33
I am so sorry that I have been away for so long. I started this journal with the best of intentions, but my abilities to multi-task are somewhat limited.
Christmas and the last few months have been difficult. I was very torn between my remaining obligations to LotR (due to personal troubles which I can't discuss the exhibit did not come together -- which believe it or not is still a terrible disappointment) and my obligations to The Last Samurai (which I were able to fulfill though somewhat distracted).
This past Christmas I may have mentionned that Ham and I had been discussing a sojourn to Bali (which tragically conflicted with his lecturing schedule). When I left NZ to fulfill my obligations to the premieres of TLS Ham suffered a mild heart attack while I was in NY and unable to return to his side immediately.
Since then Ham and I have been at home. Tending to his health continues to be a burden. We see a specialist regularly and have been working on a diet and excecise regimen that he finds tedious and inconvenient. I try to keep my composure, but it is difficult to find yourself constantly at odds with someone whom you love with all of your heart and soul.
I hope that my friends will forgive me for my absence and I hope to hear from you all soon. Love always. Nigla.