Apr 17, 2005 02:37
you know what ive noticed the world is a very simple place. its basically as i see it ne ways. you dream of what you want, work to get it, and your done. you now have what you wanted and should be a little happier, at least i would hope so. so why are they're so many unhappy poeple on the earth? so many are doing what they love for their jobs or going out and doing what hey know they love for a hobby at least.
someone told me yesterday that they wished they were not gay, because it made life so much harder. well i don't really understand her concept but whatever works. i see it as if you don't want to be that way, then don't be. if you are unhappy doing something then why are you diong it? it doesn't make sense to me how people every day go to work and do something they hate. sure you may get paid a lot of money for it, but most jobs that do are either very dangerous or very time-consuming. so its not like you are ever really going to enjoy the money you mkae are you? for those taht save save save wahts the point if all yoru going to do is save, come on spend a little on yourself. have enough for a rainy day and enjoy life some.
it seems like the world is all about society, and money. no on seems to care how happy they are, as long as they are popular or rich or something stupid of those lines. if you hate the drama of being in a bad relatinoship, why are you still in that relationship? get out, move on it life. please. and please if you are in a relationship or problem like that quit complaining cuase you must like it as your still doing it. you don't like your job, quit get a new one, i personally i realize i complain i need a new job i do only for experience points but im not quite willing to trade that for some of the people i work with, i mainly just want more money, lol. i love what i do, i love going to work on most days and the ones i don't i trade for the ones i do love.