Nov 06, 2008 09:28
Like so many other people I thought McCain's speech was gracious and heartfelt in his desire for across the board efforts to address our country's many problems including the economy, the environment and the war. As some of the political analysts said, this was more the McCain I knew that is only 2nd hand. He was the only Republican candidate for President that I thought I might be able to vote for since I was old enough to have political views (many years ago), at least during the first part of his campaign.
I was upset when his campaign efforts turned very conservative and really negative. I understand that he felt the need to solidify the conservative Republican vote, if he had any chance to succeed, with some of his actions and statements. However, what turned me off was the statements he and Pallin made about parts of the U.S. being truly American and somewhat echoing Bush's statements that being against the war was being anti-American. Hello, the founder fathers of the U.S. which the Republicans make a big deal about being a more direct line of inheritance and representation of their values, would turn over in their graves. They fought and died for the right of the freedom of speech, press, and thought. The U.S. was suppose to be the place where differing view points were allowed to be expressed without fear of retribution. I know that it wasn't really that way, but such statements from the upper echelons just goes against the very fabric which established the U.S.