May 08, 2011 05:03
1) Is it possible for me to write a 10-12 page English paper, finish a take-home exam, and study for an inorganic chemistry final before Tuesday?
2) How do I write an English paper? I haven't done one in so long that I've forgotten how to analyze anything that doesn't involve compound structures or troubleshooting kinetic assays. e____e I've decided to work on the second prompt, which centers around duality, and I chose "civilization and wilderness" as my duality topic. But it's really sad because I keep forgetting the difference between a topic and argument. It sounds silly, but I literally have to stop every few minutes and reread what I'm writing to make sure that it is argumentative and not hurr durr describing shit.
3) I hate history. It doesn't matter if 'History of Espionage' is considered as one of the easiest classes on campus: my TA loves to dock points because of my writing, and I have a bad feeling that my final grade will reflect this. I try really hard to write like an awesome liberal arts major, but it's really hard when I've been conditioned to write in another way. If only there was a history class that could inject all of these names and information into my brain.
4) MY INORGANIC PROFESSOR IS A CRAZY MOTHERFUGGA AND I HAVE NO IDEA HOW SHE EXPECTS ANYONE TO READ A 400 PAGE PDF ON ELEMENTS. Everyone was assigned an element and had to write a 5 page paper on it. The kicker is that the assignment is worth 6% of our grade. Um, the only motivation I had while writing the paper was to shit on an 8" x 11" and turn it in, doggie bag style. I don't know how I'm going to do on the upcoming final. I'm going to cry, seriously.
With that said, I had a teenytiny breakdown on Friday after realizing that this semester sucked, and my boyfriend was like, "STOP IT THIS HISTORY GRADE DOESN'T MATTER BECAUSE YOU WILL NOT NEED IT TO GO TO MEDICAL SCHOOL." And I was like, "T____T MY EFFORT WASN'T GOOD ENOUGH." Then he was like, "Welcome to the real world." lolol damn, how do you respond to that? So I pulled up my big pants, and we had dinner at Cafe 88. I still feel bad about myself, but I think I'm too delirious at the moment to structure it properly. HmmmMMMmmmMMMmmm
I'm still trying to figure out what I want to say about D.H. Lawrence and his anti-Benjamin stance.
BLAR DE BLAR0WE4TOASF;OAGPAEWPA'PDF'P I can't wait for graduation, the end.