Jun 17, 2012 02:19
Hi, guys! I just recently got back into Eva. I finally watched the two Rebuild movies, and then tore through the anime again lickity-split. And now, I want fic. Problem is, I don't know where to start. I never got into the fandom back in the day, when I first watched the show. And Google-ing for recs hasn't netted me much. So, I'd really love it if you guys could recommend me some good fics or authors.
I like both pairing fic and gen. For pairings, I like Shinji/Kaworu, Kaji/Misato, Shinji/Asuka, and recently, Shinji/Rei (especially Rebuild-verse). (Yeah, I'm a Shinji fan. Can you tell?) Long, short, finished or not, it's all good. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks, guys!