Is it better to be honest with someone knowing that the truth will frustrate them or be dishonest to avoid any drama?
Beats me. Either way it's a lose-lose situation right?! Especially when it's not your fault and you're trying to tell them the truth but they get butt hurt anyway and lash out on you. That's just the worst feeling ever. Something out of your control...
I was feeling oh-so-lethargic today for some unknown reason. I woke up so late and ate and minutes later found myself right back on the couch sleeping. All I did was sleep today and that checklist of things I wanted to accomplish only minimized by, oh let's see, two things. i hate it when I'm lazy. Because even when I weigh at a whopping 105 lbs. I feel like I'm thrice my size for being so lazy.
Fat people, I pity them. But ones that I pity even more are lazy fat people. Geeeeeez. I feel like a loser when i'm skinny and lazy for one day and one day only. fuck.
I already feel bad that I ate like seven hershey's hugs, which is like four times the recommended serving but damn them shits is good son.
I hate talking to Erich on the webcam sometimes, it only reminds me that he's far. Atleast when he's on the phone I can pretend he's still in Sacramento. I wish I was over seas. Not in Korea, in Okinawa, though. I stole some pictures from an old friend because it made me think of home.
i remember the festivals they'd have roaring outside of the base gates during those hot humid summers. What is it about that island that makes people so attached to it. People from all over the states go there because their parents get stationed there. And the entire time they're there they bitch and complain about how much they miss the states, unaware that they are creating the most memorable moments in their lives. And the minute they leave is when they appreciate Okinawa for what it was and is.
I think I've been in Vegas a little over five years now, and It still doesn't compare to that Rock of land sitting in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. The air you breathe, the food you eat, the water you bathe in, and the people that surround you are so healthy. healthy for you. healthy for life. It's just a beautiful place and i think when God made Okinawa, he must have made it much like heaven, aside from the occasional typhoon that comes trampling along in an effort to flood the place.
I wanna go home.