ADMIN POST: The "Leaving Las Vegas" Challenge

Jan 05, 2006 00:18

All right, all the winter challenge entries are posted in the memories section, and since things are starting to get back to normal, it's time for another challenge.

First, though, one note--I've lost the little slip of paper that I write all the challenge ideas you give me down on. I know, I know, writing on actual paper is so 1989. What can I say? I'm old school. So, if you've got a great idea that you gave me and I haven't used yet (or if you've got a great idea you want to share for the first time), either leave a comment to this post or email me at geekwriter143[at]yahoo[dot]com.

Now, the challenge: Nick and Greg live and work in Las Vegas. Sometimes they go to Henderson. Sometimes they get as far away as Pahrump. What you're going to do in this challenge is take them even farther away than that. I don't care how you do it, but get Nick and Greg out of Las Vegas, preferably all the way out of Nevada. You can have them go to a conference, write an AU where they live in a completely different state or country, have them go on vacation, make of vid of them to non-English-language music, or draw a picture of them making out beneath the Eiffel Tower (not the mini one at Paris Las Vegas!). As always, twist the challenge however you want to make it work for you, and draw, vid, write, and icon these boys out of Las Vegas and into the world.

Oh, and now that we're back to a semi-regular time of the year, do people want one or two weeks for the challenges? I was thinking of keeping it at two weeks just to give people longer to work on things. What do you think?

the leaving las vegas challenge, admin post

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