ADMIN POST: The Happy Domestic Challenge

Aug 23, 2005 00:03

Well, since last week's challenge was mostly for the smut writers among us, this week will be for those of us who write things that aren't smut, and I really hope mywheezy doesn't mind the fact that I'm totally borrowing her idea for this challenge. This week, we're gonna have the Please Just Let them Be Happy for Once Challenge, or to put it so it fits in the subject line, The Happy Domestic Challenge.

mywheezy is grumpy, and she wants domestic fic to cheer her up. Since I used the challenge last week to cheer myself up, I should use it this week to cheer up someone else. She says, "Angst abounds lately, I know. And it's great and breaks your heart, but sometimes we need some good domestic fluff. So write it. No angst, no smut. Nick and Greg being happy together or being happy with other people while talking about the other, I don't care. But no angst, and no smut. Just some good fluffiness. Mentions of sex are fine, but nothing graphic. Please."

And I'm going to combine this whole idea of domestic fluffiness with an anonymous suggestion I got a while back: kidfic. No, you don't have to write kidfic, but if you want to, now's the time. The suggestion went like this, "Crime scene involving kids, something coming up from when one of the guys were kids, babysitting, adopting, future-fic with kids, etc.?"

So, really, the challenge here is to write something happy and domestic. Make them go to Home Depot together. Or the grocery store. Have them argue over the remote control, tell jokes, or even (gasp!) go on a date! Because real life sucks sometimes and it's nice to have happy fic to see you through.

As always, leave ideas for future challenges in the comments, or send them to me through email. I've got one suggestion in the queue right now (yes, quettaser, I promise it's next), so if there's something you really want, let me know.

And a reminder: Please, please, please, when you post your fic, make the subject line, "The [whatever] Challenge by [Your Name Here]." It helps sooo much when I have to put all the fics into memories.

ngchallenge, nick/greg, admin post

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