Apr 10, 2006 16:09
Advanced Calculus 2. I have hated almost every minute of it. Okay, not quite that much of it. A Calc 1 was worse. But damnit, I just don't like the material and so I haven't wanted to study it at all. And if I can do the homework problems I'd be good to go. But I can't do the homework problems because I haven't studied because I hate the class. There, I've vented.
Darboux sums. The joy. These wonderful summations show me the integrations of some functions.......
In other news, I remember math!!! WHOOHOO!! No, seriously, like all those little things you forget after you've taken the calc series because you think they aren't all that important. THINK AGAIN!! Especially if you're a math major. So, working in the math lab has helped me relearn everything I've forgotten. I swear, the best way to remember something is to tutor people in it.
So, two more math classes and I'm done. If it weren't for one of those math classes only being offered in the fall, I'd have my degree by now. But since I have to wait anyway, and I get boooku amounts of money this next year, I'm just going to stay and get my minor in statistics. Then off to grad school. Either in planetary science or statistics. I'm leaning towards statistics, but we'll see. I always change my mind. But it will be so wonderful to finally be done with math. Don't get me wrong, I love math. But I hate some things in it. Combinatorics and graph theory will be fun. Applied will be the hardest class I have I think. Then c programming and easy stat methods II. Especially since I've taken stat theory II. And I LOVE statistics.
Oh wonderful statistics that I have tomorrow.
I know, I'm an idiot.