Dumping Thoughts

Jul 03, 2015 11:17

June 20th, 2015

I feel that I am within a time that will be remembered fondly, regardless of whether or not it is justified. I suppose it is as justified as any time is. The mixture of me walking into an employee only area at the movie theatre from the hallway where a kid can see me walk in and the white of the hallway and online videos. I can remember how something like the staff only room would hit me when I was younger, something like the security area above the mall in 2004 for me. The online stuff, like an older brother watching the ASDF's or going on 8chan or something builds the feeling of a sort of world that is fully specific to now in the little things it is made of, but timeless in the way it makes a kid feel. Games the kid has no idea how to play, websites and drama he can't follow, all mixed with the way people dress now and how commericals look, although I imagine things like smartphones and Netflix will also have a part in these kids heads. I can't imagine the feeling is too different, though.

In someones eyes years from now, I'm writing from a time that will be inaccesasable and etherial, like how someone writing something like this is 2005 would seem to me now, or, ever further forward, something like this written in 1989. I'm in "full control" of my head now, or at least it feels that way, and I'm able to live life less passively and notice more things. When you're eight you don't really notice how the cars look when your mom is driving, and you don't really notice how people dress and how media is. That only comes when you first start to look back at it later. I'm living in someone else's dreamworld, which I think is pretty cool.

All times seem mundane and seperate from the rest in the potential to be romanticized, but I'm fully certain that this is not the case. I think I'm picking up on general feelings from the 2010's that can be seen in the way we see the past, despite all of the political craziness. All times seem really bad and without character. There's no point in worrying about this because it will all come. I doubt there are any 9 year olds thinking about it now, but they will in the future. Future INFPs being transported to now in their own minds and coming to the same realizations that I did. Not that mine are the only ones that exist, but I would say they're a certain conclusion that follows a train of thoughts. I don't know how I can tell someone lying in bed or playing a game thinking about this in 2025 I understand you, and I want to almost yell it, "I understand you, I get it!" before they get to the point I'm at with all of it. I'm sure someone was doing something like this for all the times I think of, and I'm sure someone will do it for the future as well.


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