LOG: Akazawa-Mizuki

Jan 24, 2007 03:33

LOG: Akazawa-Mizuki. PG-13.


Mizuki: *Has been keeping his dormitory door open and hears the door at end of corridor close*
Mizuki: *Lurches out into the hallway and stands there defiantly in the path to Akazawa's room*
Akazawa: *was walking along not really paying attention to anything and halts when he sees Mizuki fly out into the hall* *pauses and frowns* *starts to turn around* I think I'll just go study in the lounge...
Mizuki: Stop it!
Akazawa: *halts again*
Akazawa: Stop what?
Mizuki: Avoiding me!
Akazawa: *crosses arms, back still turned* I'm not avoiding you-- SLEEPING AROUND??!? *spins around* Excuse me??
Mizuki: I bought shampoo for you today!
Akazawa: ...I don't need shampoo.
Akazawa: I have my own.
Mizuki: Not FOR you... Your hair will never be as fabulous as mine, nfu. But so my hair was SHINY for you.
Mizuki: I saw Shishido. He said you stayed with him, and then Kirihara. And Yukimura this weekend. ALL I HAD WAS ONE PERSON OVER.
Akazawa: I went to Shishido's HOUSE. Kirihara said I could sleep in his sister's room because I didn't feel like being HERE, and the Yukimura thing hasn't even happened yet!
Mizuki: You've been fighting with Yuuta-kun and the hippy listened!
Mizuki: I don't have to justify myself to you. My pie-charts make it all very clear.
Akazawa: Yeah, very clear. The fact that you passed out shirtless makes it clear as mud, basically.
Akazawa: And Yuuta and I...are dealing with it.
Akazawa: With things. We're talking.
Mizuki: I told you he gave my back a rub to CALM ME DOWN.
Mizuki: Shirts came off! Besides, it was a sleepover, it was hot in the room- You're being stupid.
Akazawa: Oh sure, maybe that's what he SAID. But you're naive and oblivious and I can sure as hell promise you that HE WAS HOPING FOR A LOT MORE THAN A MASSAGE.
Akazawa: He sleeps around -- I'm NOT being stupid.
Mizuki: I'm not naive or oblivious enough to know when someone's SLEPT WITH ME OR NOT. And I haven't done anything, I wouldn't want to do anything, not without you, and I've been STRESSED. The team's evil or threatening to run back to their incestuous brothers or hating me or just smell bad and have their heads stuck down toilets twice a day.
Akazawa: *leans against the wall* The evil thing will pass, crap like that always does. Were you aware Nomura quit? No one told me-- but that's beside the point. It doesn't matter if you wanted to or not, HE wanted to and you were drunk and you can't always control what happens when you can't even see straight!!
Mizuki: He was being nice.
Akazawa: He always hits on you. ALWAYS.
Akazawa: *glances around* We shouldn't be arguing out here. Are you going to let me into my room or do I really have to go down to the lounge?
Mizuki: Only if you let me in too.
Akazawa: Fine. Whatever. Move.
Mizuki: *slides unhappily against the wall out of the way*
Akazawa: *walks past and unlocks the door, pushing it open and throwing his bag on the bed as he enters* *starts taking off his tie* Shut the door behind you, though. I'd rather the entire hall not here me if I end up yelling again.
Mizuki: *follows and slams the door shut* Stop ordering me about or yelling might be inevitable.
Akazawa: *rolls eyes* I'm not ordering you about. *starts digging around in his closet for a sweatshirt*
Mizuki: *folds arms* Are you going to talk to me properly or faff around.
Akazawa: I'll talk to you properly. Sure. *slides his uniform shirt off and pulls the sweatshirt on, huffing and sending his hair everywhere*
Mizuki: *watches covertly and twirls hair* You're a moron.
Akazawa: *wanders over to his dresser, grabbing a hair-tie and throwing his hair into a half-assed ponytail* Tell me something. If you'd found ME passed out and half naked in bed with someone - I dunno, KAIDOH, we'll say - what would you do?
Mizuki: *slams a hand down on the desk* I haven't SLEPT with Chitose.
Mizuki: Let's play.
Akazawa: Alright fine, bad example. Shishido then. Or Yukimura. And--...Play what?
Mizuki: Tennis.
Akazawa: Oh. Right now?
Mizuki: Now. Whenever. I have to .
Akazawa: ...Alright. I have to change, though..
Mizuki: Do your pedicure, whatever. I'm heading to the courts and I'm going to hit the ball at you so hard you'd BETTER be ready, or you'll be in hospital before 9pm.
Akazawa: Uh-huh. Sure. Give me five minutes.
Mizuki: *picks a pen off the desk and throws it at Akazawa's head before leaving to get his racket and get to the courts*
Akazawa: *ignores the pen and changes clothes AGAIN and then pulls on his St. Rudolph jacket and stuff because it's cooold outside* *goes to meet Mizuki*
Mizuki: *standing on opposing court, twirling hair and pretending not to shiver* Nfu. Hello, buchou.
Akazawa: *is nice and warm and feels like being a bastard so he ignores Mizuki's obvious shivering* *flatly* Hello, Mizuki.
Mizuki: Serve.
Akazawa: ...Fine. *throws the ball up and slams it onto the opposite court*
Mizuki: *stares at the ace, then narrows eyes back at Akazawa* Again.
Akazawa: *sighs* *slams the ball down again*
TENNIS: *play equally, since both are all-rounders, but Akazawa is national-level and has the edge, and winds up winning 6-3*
Mizuki: *not at all cold anymore, panting on other side of net* *throws racket down*
Akazawa: *also panting* *walks up to the net, shouldering his racket* Okay?
Mizuki: No. This why- I'M not captain- but you. *looks up, glaring* What do you DO? My team's falling apart, it's the end of Nationals, end of the season. St. Rudolph doesn't have a high school! What's going to happen now?!
Akazawa: ...I keep forgetting we don't have a high school. And the team stuff is NOT your fault. *pauses, then hops the net and stands next to Mizuki, staring off to the side* Are you trying to get into any of the schools around here?
Mizuki: With my grades I could get anywhere, nfu.
Akazawa: *rolls eyes* Right. Forgive me for forgetting.
Akazawa: *shivers, because it's later and he's getting cold now that he's not moving* Come on. Let's go somewhere else.
Mizuki: I wanted to beat you.
Akazawa: We could play again, but I can't promise you'll win. Heh.
Mizuki: You deserved to lose.
Akazawa: No I didn't.
Mizuki: *shoves him* YES you did.
Akazawa: *grabs Mizuki's wrist* You are JUST as bad as I am with this trust thing! Excuse me for being worried!
Mizuki: If I don't trust you, what made you think I'd trust some druggie from Osaka?!
Akazawa: Well what was I supposed to think?! You weren't at practice, I walk in and see...THAT. It was on a SCHOOL NIGHT. Just -- what the hell??
Mizuki: I wanted a fresh perspective, and he's good for tennis data. And I can have people over! YOU'RE HAVING PEOPLE OVER, AND STAYING OVER PLACES.
Akazawa: You can have people over, just don't get DRUNK with them WHEN THEY OBVIOUSLY WANT IN YOUR PANTS.
Mizuki: You can have people over, just don't let them BRUSH YOUR HAIR when they OBVIOUSLY WANT IN YOUR PANTS.
Akazawa: And FINE, I won't let him anywhere near my hair!
Mizuki: And- *reaches up and kisses Akazawa*
Akazawa: *blinks* *kisses back for a second, then breaks away* I don't think I was actually going to let him near my hair. That'd be kind of awkward.
Mizuki: *picks up racket* Nfu. *turns away and walks back to dorms*
Akazawa: *follows* I won't let anyone near my hair but you if you promise not to get drunk with people who blatantly flirt with you.
Mizuki: He WASN'T blatantly flirting with-- Fine.
Akazawa: He WAS, he ALWAYS IS. *glowers* But...good. Fine.
Mizuki: *stops at dorm doorway* It's easier if it's obvious, but you're so FRIENDLY with everyone, how is my data going to tell me anything properly-
Akazawa: This is where that trust thing comes in handy. *braces arm against the wall and leans in* You trust me?
Mizuki: I suppose I want to. *spots a duck waddling in the distance and GLARES*
Akazawa: Trust me and I'll trust you. And I won't panic when I wander into your room and find you half-naked with other guys.
Mizuki: When you put it like THAT-- It doesn't happen every week or anything..
Akazawa: It better not happen ever agai-- often. Better not happen OFTEN.
Mizuki: Sometimes I don't know why we're together.
Akazawa: *leans down and kisses Mizuki quickly* Because I like you, and don't say stuff like that. It makes me panic more.
Mizuki: My pie-charts don't correlate. *stares at the ground and back up* At least the tennis has tired us out.
Akazawa: Yes. *pauses* If you don't WANT to be with me... You do, right? *eyes widen*
Mizuki: *turns and walks into the dorms* You slept with Kaidoh, even in sex-changed form because you wanted sex. You jump to the immediate conclusion I'd had sex with some random Shitenhouji player because he stayed over. You have sex 100% on the brain, nfu. So go find your thrills so I don't have have to feel guilty about it anymore.
Akazawa: I didn't assume you had sex with him, I didn't know WHAT happened-- You want me to go sleep with someone else?
Akazawa: Really?
Akazawa: *crosses arms* You'd be okay with that?
Mizuki: *turns and stares* You would?
Mizuki: ....FINE. DO THAT.
Akazawa: NO, I wouldn't!
Mizuki: I DON'T CARE.
Akazawa: I wouldn't do that, I DON'T have sex on my mind - all the time - I was surprised you'd even SUGGEST that I should go off and do that!
Mizuki: YOU GO DO THAT. *opens corridor door and heads to room*
Akazawa: *doesn't move and ends up yelling down the hall* I DON'T WANT TO HAVE SEX WITH ANYONE BUT YOU!
Akazawa: ...Erm.
Akazawa: Eventually.
Akazawa: *shifty eyes*
Mizuki: *freezes in front of bedroom door* *looks back down at Akazawa*
Akazawa: *is glancing around rapidly to make sure there aren't any nuns about to jump out and attack him*
Mizuki: *opens door and looks back at him* Do you want to see my pie-charts?
Akazawa: *looks at Mizuki* ...Yes. Very much so.
Mizuki: Nfu, they're colour coordinated.
Akazawa: *finally moves forward* Have I ever told you how much I actually enjoy your pie-charts?
Mizuki: Of course you do. They're perfect/
Akazawa: Heh. Something like that.
Mizuki: *grabs Akazawa's shirt and drags him into the room*
Akazawa: *smirks and slams the door shut behind him, YAY!*



Backdated incomplete bit of log.

Mizuki: *Leans in Akazawa's open doorway* Are you STILL unpacking?
Akazawa: *sorting through his suitcase, tossing clothes left and right* Yeah. I can't find my tennis jersey. And I think I've got one of your shirts in here.
Mizuki: Nfu, I've already unpacked everything and it's all NEATLY PUT AWAY. *watches the rumpled clothes on the floor like a wild animal*
Mizuki: Your tennis jersey is folded on my pillow.
Akazawa: *pauses* Oh. Well then. *shoves suitcase against the wall* I can do the rest later.
Mizuki: Is my SHIRT amongst that mess?!
Akazawa: ...I saw it somewhere. *slowly starts going through one of the piles* It WAS folded...
Mizuki: *puts a hand against the wall for support* *faintly-* Was?
Akazawa: Well. *gestures weakly at the clothes* It's obviously not anymore. Eheh.
Mizuki: *GLARES* I hate you.
Akazawa: *rolls eyes* It's just a shirt. *tosses a pair of jeans over his shoulder*
Mizuki: Stop blaspheming.
Mizuki: *folds arms and lifts one hand to twist his hair, staring into space* We're back at school now.
Akazawa: Good of you to notice.
Akazawa: I kind of thought the nuns storming the halls gave it away.
Mizuki: *glances skittishly out into the hallway and closes the door*
Akazawa: *grins* Good call.
Mizuki: *distractedly picks up clothes and folds them* *OCD* I miss your mother.
Akazawa: Ugh, why? You two being all chummy was WEIRD.
Akazawa: ...But the food was good.
Mizuki: *sniffs* She understands culinary art.
Akazawa: It's wasted on the rest of my family, I think.
Mizuki: It is. You're all boors.
Mizuki: Especially your brother. *Frowns and jabs Akazawa in the shoulder* You should disown him.
Akazawa: Heh. *steps around him, tossing a pair of shoes into the closet* He thought you were...how'd he word it... A complete ponce who somehow managed to miss the memo on good fashion sense.
Akazawa: Not that he has any room to talk.
Mizuki: *Drops shirt he was folding and splutters, OUTRAGED* He came in trailing muddy football boots everywhere and then STANK of body odour and probably doesn't even own a hairbrush.
Akazawa: *snickers* Yeah, he does that... And he hates tennis. So he's basically an idiot.
Mizuki: He IS. So disown him.
Akazawa: *rolls eyes* I can't just DISOWN him. I usually just ignore his existence. Unless he's being cool and giving me sake for Christmas. Like he did this year. *glances proudly at his suitcase where said sake is hidden at the bottom*
Mizuki: *pauses* Well. He had to be good for SOMETHING.
Akazawa: Indeed. *turns back to the closet* Oh, there it is. I forgot I hung it up. *pull out the orange and purple THING that is very obviously NOT HIS* There you go. Not wrinkled at all! ...I think.
Mizuki: *snatches hanger out of Akazawa's hands before he DAMAGES IT SOMEHOW and strokes the shirt reverently* Mmmmm...
Akazawa: *raises eyebrows* You're welcome...?
Mizuki: I'd put it on, but I don't want to give you a heart-attack from seeing my half-naked wonder on the first night back at school.
Akazawa: ...Uh-huh.
Akazawa: Well. The shirt will be sorely missed then.
Akazawa: As will your...half-naked wonder.
Mizuki: *Tosses his head* I'm rare goods.
Mizuki: You'd better remember that when you talk to Kaidoh or Shishido or anyone!
Akazawa: ...
Akazawa: *drops down on his bed, giving Mizuki a flat look* I'm NOT going to never talk to people again just because it makes you uncomfortable or something.
Mizuki: I said WHEN you talk to them. *twirls hair fast* I'm being very gracious and trusting and awesome.
Akazawa: Yeah, sure you are. *crosses arms* You just make ranting posts about it whenever something happens.
Mizuki: *throws shirt at Akazawa's face*
Akazawa: *resists the urge to crumple it in his hands* Ok, see, if it's wrinkled NOW it's totally not my fault.
Mizuki: *points an accusing finger* I'm like a wrinkled shirt, aren't I!
Akazawa: ...No? What's that even supposed to mean??
Mizuki: *gestures dramatically at the clothes all over the floor* You wear them and toss them aside and they get wrinkled.
Akazawa: Oh, for the love of-- I'm not going to toss you aside!
Mizuki: I've seen more of you this holiday than my PARENTS. I turned up unannounced and practically lived in your pocket, and now we're back at school and only three rooms away from each other again and you won
Mizuki: *won't look forward to seeing me everyday now.
Akazawa: What -- Why wouldn't I look forward to seeing you everyday?? I didn't complain at all over break, did I?
Akazawa: Well...much.
Akazawa: But mostly when you and my mom were ganging up on me. *glares*
Mizuki: *takes a step over in front of the bed and puts his hands on Akazawa's shoulders* Your mother knows best. And I definitely do.
Akazawa: *rolls eyes* She liked you, anyway. That's a good thing, I guess.
Mizuki: *Slowly drops a hand from shoulder* You had a good New Year... Of course. Right?
Akazawa: *grabs Mizuki's wrist quickly, tugging him closer* I did. Of course. *grins a bit* Did you?
Mizuki: *steps closer again* It was... alright. *twists his wrist out to catch Akazawa's fingers between his instead*
Akazawa: *glances at their hands* Ahh. Just alright?
Mizuki: Your brother could've been cuter and played tennis and recruitable.
Akazawa: He's in high school. St. Rudolph doesn't even have a high school.
Akazawa: *slight glare* And I'm GLAD you didn't think he was...cute. Ew.
Mizuki: Recruiting is about getting someone on your side. But your brother hates me. I don't care!
Akazawa: I don't think he hates you, he just thought you were...odd.
Mizuki: Fuji Syuusuke's hot and has a cute brother. So I thought maybe-
Akazawa: .....
Akazawa: I'm...going to pretend I didn't hear that, I think.
Mizuki: Nfu, well data has shown it doesn't necessarily work like that.
Akazawa: ...Right. Ok, enough about my brother, he fails at life 90% of the time anyway.
Mizuki: *Narrows eyes* Have you even touched your homework?
Akazawa: *sheepish* Um...a little? Sort of. Maybe.
Mizuki: *brightens* Then I'll just have to stay here all night and help you.
Akazawa: *blinks* *smirks* Oh Mizuki, that would be ever-so-kind of you.

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