Mar 31, 2008 21:01
Standing in a well-trafficked area of the Nexus is a sharply dressed gentleman holding a clipboard. As people pass, he flags them down with a professionally crafted smile.
"Pardon me. My name is Robin Goodfellow, and I represent the Quality Assurance division of the Nexus. If you have a few minutes, we at NexQA would greatly appreciate your participation in our short survey. Your participation will help ensure that future improvements to the Nexus will be made with your needs in mind."
((For anyone participating, the final question of the survey effectively asks the pup responding to make three wishes. Anyone foolish enough to do so will have one of those wishes immediately granted. If you have a specific warping of your pup's wish you'd like to see, please specify. Please note that this is Faerie magic, so take that into account for anyone who's got sensitivities/protections/etc. for that sort of thing. Happy April Fool's Day!))