Bubba on Flu shots:
They suck. I had my mandatory flu shot yesterday morning. My shoulder hurts like hell. I think I'm getting sick. I slept most of the time I was home today, which was most of the day. I didn't work out. My nose is stuffy. I have a headache. [sarcasm]I love flu shots!!![/sarcasm]
Chuck Norris: When Chuck Norris files his taxes, he just sends in a blank tax form and a picture of himself crouched and ready to pounce. Chuck Norris has never had to pay taxes.
1 If you live in America, learn it, speak it. Nuff said.
2. Inner-city kids need to have more emphasis on speaking proper English. I was instructing a group of 6th grades today, and the quality of their English was simply atrocious. Simple grammar seemed beyond them. In response to the question "Does anyone know the difference between a glider and an airplane?", one little boy says "A glider ain't got no engine!" WTF? Basic sentence structure here. What makes it even better is that the group was about half white, half black/hispanic. And with few exceptions, it was the little black and hispanic kids that were seaking horribly. The white kids spoke properly. Even the teacher, a younger black woman, could barely speak proper English. I spoke better English than her when I was six. So we have teachers that can't speak... how do we expect to teach the kids how to speak?
Other Stuff:
1. I get to see my finace in a bout a day and a half. Awesome stuff. I'm gonna get to spend like a month with her. Oh I can't wait.
2. Tookie Williams was excecuted at 0301 EST, 13 Dec. 2005. Good friggin riddance.
3. The comedic world suffered a pretty huge loss the other day... Richard Pryor died at 65.
4. More race related riots... the victim this time: Australia. At least we won't have toworry about a surrender.
5. Fvck the "Happy Holidays" BS... Merry Christmas and Happy Hannakah. And if you want to display a Christmas Tree, Nativity Scene, Menorah or any other symbol your religion shows this time of year, go for it. Don't call it a Holiday tree or holiday season... its Christmas. We are celebrating the birth of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ... you know... He's the guy who died on the cross "So that whoso ever believeth in Him shall not perish from the Earth, but have everlasting life"... People... He put the "Christ" in "CHRISTmas".. meaning "The Birth of Christ"... Call it what it is!!!
Ladies and Gentlemen, this has been a presentation of TheBubba Productions, LTD. Good night and good luck.