Sep 12, 2006 22:45
Everyone once in awhile I find myself drawn to this place of communication. I have relatives who for see nothing good of posting your emotions on the internet, others find it worthwhile. I see it as a medium that I can come to and find others like myself who sometimes struggle at everyday activities that frustrate me as well. I am only human last time I looked. I breath air just like everyone else, I burp, I fart, I am no different then anyone here on this tiny planet we call earth. For instance I went to bed just a few minutes ago, I laid there and the mind was scurrying like a mongoose with 2 cobra's not just one to play with. I decided to head down to the computer and lay these frustrations out in organized chaos. I have come up with some amazing ideas lately, my mind has been at ease and I have been thinking and thinking for sometimes 16 hours a day 7 days in a row. The result is a new way to look at how we view our waste streams, yes I have seen the Al Gore Film, "An Inconvenient Truth" no this idea is not about that per say. It is about changing the way regular people view there own waste. I can't really go into great detail unless someone replies who really is interested in waste energy recovery then I will elaborate in detail. Some day my description will become public knowledge right now it is just corporate knowledge only. I have a friend who is serving in the Armed Forces right now in a country far away, not Iraq, she has her thoughts so focused on her return that she may have forgot to enjoy the uniqueness of the place she is at. Don't forget to look around you with an open mind, smell the flowers, watch the sun rise, listen to the wind. Remember the memory of the place by the faces of the people you see each day. Take pictures and post them on Live Journal, make it an adventure. Shedding a few tears once in awhile is ok too, just don't make it too often. I miss you as well Kim~!