World Series

Oct 14, 2006 17:16

The A's just got swept in 4 games to those damn Detroit Tigers!!

And u kno what is too bad? they had a raffle 125,000 people entered to get a chance to get World Series tickets and for once our name got drawn! 15,000 out of 125,000! so we had tickets to game 1 of the world series. too bad the a's didn't do their part!!

anyhow thats pretty much all that is up! nicole invited to hang out with her last night which was wonderful! cuz i hadn't been out in like 3 weeks due to illness! but i had fun, gave me some rejuvenating energy!

12 days til I visit lisa in Texas! SOOO EXCITED! must think of a fabulous costume to match my even more fabulous makeup!

& i think i am visiting with marianne and nicole tommmorrow! what a pleasant weekend! I like seeing friends. =)
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