Feb 22, 2006 21:12
Well, as some of you readers know..I am not too happy with my current uh place of employment. By the way if you make a comment please dont refer to where I work by name. Also dont use my name in your comment.
So on monday we all go out to lunch. Something I didnt want to do because during lunch I tend to drive home or just go outside and walk around for an hour. I try avoid contact with my supervisor because his very presence irritates me. Stephanie however made me come with everyone to lunch. I dont know if I could survive working there if it wasnt for her. Anyway, we all go to the Olive Garden.
While there one of my co-workers, he started a week after I did, began to talk about his daughter. I know that parents like to brag and boast a little about their children. He mentioned that his daughter is getting straight As in high school and is an honors student. Well, my ass of a supervisor responded to this by saying "In today's high schools you can just show up to class and get an A".
Now...I know our public school system is not the best in the world. Nevertheless, I thought it was poor form and a dickhead thing to say. Think about it, how would you feel if you were talking about an accomplishment of your child and someone knocked you down for it. Or what if you were bragging about an accomplishment your brother or sister had in school or a sport activity? I mean there is no need to be rude and say something like that off the cuff. I had to refrain from shaking my head when he said that. I also tried extra hard to cover that look of annoyance I get which I admit is hard for me to hide.
This is but one example of some of the crap that goes on there with this guy (the supe). I would post more but I dont want to give away anymore specific examples and risk this getting seen by someone at my workplace.
There is a way to treat people, especially if you are the boss. Oh well.