A few bits of reading for you:
http://www.suntimes.com/output/business/cst-fin-mac09.html First that, then this:
http://marshallbrain.com/manna1.htm Some weird wild shit right there. Gets me a little nevous about where we stand in the future regarding technology and its use in a buisness setting. I can't wait for the security cameras on street corners and barcode chips implanted into our foreheads, either.
This is just to make you laugh:
http://www.thewavemag.com/pagegen.php?pagename=article&articleid=24184 And also, a survey stolen from J.O.
00 pick a band and answer only using that band's lyrics:
Aesop Rock, duh.
.01 are you male or female?:
"My name is something hands can't hold"
.02 describe yourself:
"Look, I've never had a dream in my life
Because a dream is what you wanna do, but still haven't pursued
I knew what I wanted and did it till it was done
So i've been the dream that I wanted to be since day one"
.03 how do some people feel about you?:
"...might've smoked one too many dimes in his time"
.04 how do you feel about yourself?:
"I'm balanced, personified phantom to the bone
Walkin like a Jabberwocky
Scalpin a pair of one-way tickets to shadowboxing
Christmas with a shallow stocking"
.05 describe your girlfriend/boyfriend/interest:
"I was born bound to a stencil called symmetry
But my energy's a rental
So I take this now to save
My cute seniorita beholding a flame to a lost wick"
.06 where would you rather be?:
"I can be found in a social coma directly to your left
Engaged in a conversation, a marvel with my breath"
.07 describe where you live:
"It goes thieves, bandits, low lives, scum
Punks that buckle under the rumble of my drum
Steadily searching for something new under the sun
But its stagnant, act of development first of madness"
.08 describe how you live:
"Pocket full of pennies, and a soul gone tilt
Cockpit full of memories and a dream full of guilt"
.09 describe how you love:
"I'll take that bullet to preserve you"
.10 share a few words of wisdom:
"The commonfolk, I provoke em all
Challenge thirty balance
I alone pour talent while they fidget
If the revolution ain't gon' be televised
Then fuck, I'll probably miss it"