Sep 26, 2003 21:37
On the subject of 'Chunkee' bars. If that is how you spell it. I'm not quite sure. I asked my friend Joe if he liked them, because we were on the subject of random candy bars. I always thought its name was kind of funny. Anyways, he gave me a high pitched, squeel of a respone, screaming that it was the grossest candy bar in the entire world. I asked him if he liked raisenetts. Again, yet another flip out. Then I asked if he liked goobers, which calmed him a bit, but he was still grossed out about the Chunkee/raisenette thing. I asked if he liked the oart of chunkee in which there was the nuts. This was his response,
"No dude! How could I like 50% of the candy bar!? That's like me saying, 'I don't like penii in my butt, but I sure enjoy sucking 'em!' Ugh, I hate Chunkee."
No comment. I am, however, unsure of the proper raisenette spelling.