Mar 04, 2016 00:54
Going to start this by saying please excuse typos. Using my backup laptop and the keyboard is very finnicky.
My day was pretty uneventful. For my riding class this morning I rode Chester. Again. I'm pretty tired of riding him. It's nothing but a giant fight from start to finish, and it's not worht it. I made a ton of progress with Rufus, and now I feel like I reversed all of that wrk and took an extra twenty steps back. He is beyond aggravating. Today he actually tried to take off and gallop around the ring. I brought him back and kept my composure, and my instructor was impressed. I think she forgot I used to do western speed, haha. I did western speed with a no-brakes horse in a snaffle, no less. Stopping him was a challenge every time, and stopping Chester was no different, so at least I knew what to do. Anyway, I'm marking today's ride off as just an off day all around. Everyone in my lesson seemed to be having an off day.
I'm rather annoyed with one of the girls in my riding class. She rode Twist in our lesson today, and didn't bother to pick out his feet before or after our lesson. Over the weekend, I found out he had a case of thrush, which is essentially when their foot gets infected and part of it starts deteriorating. It's avoidable with proper care, like picking out their feet once per day. I've been picking his feet whenever I have a spare few minutes at the barn, and he has been improving. However, today the girl didn't pick his feet at all! I know it doesn't seem like a big deal, but it all comes down to the laziness and sense of entitlement that runs rampant up there. Most don't bother to pick feet because "that's what staff is for". No, the staff is there for feeding, watering, and building/grounds maintenance and care. Not to do everything for you. Sorry, mini-rant.
My second class was pretty uneventful. My teacher likes my layout for my main barn, which is pretty cool. Actually, I don't think I've mentioned this project here on LJ yet. So, this class is Equine Facilities Management, also known as Farm Facil. Our semester-long project is to design our own barn capable of holding a business. For my barn, I decided to set it on 40 acres, and it is a rescue and rehabilitation facility. It will have a walker, a pool for therapy, an indoor arena, an outdoor arena, and a round pen. On top of that, it will also have a main barn with 20 stalls, and a medical barn next to the owner's house, with 4 stalls. Last week, we turned in our blueprint for our main barns, and I wasn't sure what she was going to think of mine, as it's a bit non-traditional. Nothing crazy, just not your usual barn. She rather liked it, though, so I'm pretty happy about that!
Most of the rest of my day was spent doing nothing. I tried to get some research done for my paper, but couldn't focus. Pulled out my little newstand puzzle books and did a bunch of puzzles tonight. Watched more Ugly Betty, too. I'm about halfway through the last season. You can definitely feel the change in overall tone of the show, especially since even the end of the previous season. I'm nt really caring for it, to be perectly honest. Still haven't lined up my next show.
Almost looking forward to this weekend. It's a cautious optimism. Tomorrow evening, a friend and I are driving back to my house, a 4 hour drive, and will be going to a huge book fair on Saturday. We will be returning on Sunday. Should be fun, I hope. She seems really excited.
Wish me luck with my drive tomorrow!