Dec 03, 2017 20:05
Another Sunday has arrived, and it is December, so I can go back to posting more often!
NaNo was a lot of fun. I won~ I hit 50k words on Tues Nov 28. Nine other people on my Discord server won, as well. I am pretty excited about the point I am at in my story. My characters are on a huge battleship in space, but they got surrounded by enemy ships that so far are just sitting there. Two of my main characters have infiltrated one of the enemy ships and are about to cause some havoc in order to hopefully allow their battleship to escape. It's basically a suicide mission that I have to find them a way out of. I kind of want them to commandeer the enemy ship, but that seems a bit too cliche, so we will have to see. If they don't, I have to find some other way to get them back with the rest of the characters.
Work is still going great. The sales team had an in-house holiday party on Friday with tons of free books and merchandise. I picked up a coffee cup, a few posters, and I think 12 books, if not more. On Saturday we had or company holiday party, which was AWESOME! The parties are pretty well known for being pretty exciting. They always give out 40 pretty expensive gifts. They hold two raffles, with 20 items each. When I worked there a few years back I won my PS4. This time I didn't win anything, but that's ok~ My boss's boss makes the most delicious jello shots ever. She brought a few hundred of them, and even has a chart of all the flavors and what is in them. My favorite was the cookies and cream flavor. It tasted like straight cookies and cream oreo pudding, and she even added a mini oreo to each one. This coming week is our monthly free hurt books. Since it is December we get 20 books instead of 10. I am planning to pick up as many kids books as I can to donate to a coworker who is collecting for hospitals in the area.
I have to say I am getting irritated with the people I play D&D with. One person in particular, Brony. He was in the first three sessions we did, then decided he didn't want to play anymore so that he could have every other Sunday free (he DMs on the other sundays with the rest of thr group). Then two sessions ago he decided he wanted to join us again. That night we ended up waiting an extra two hours to start so he could finish his character sheet, and then we didn't even get to his introduction that night. Last session I came within seconds of punching him in the throat. He is basically a giant controlling bully and even though he wasn't in our campaign he would constantly interrupt our sessions to show people stupid videos and shit. I guess he got lonely and decided to join us again. So anyway, fast forward to last session, on dinner break. He and one of the other guys got into a huge debate about politics. I can't handle politics. That is the one thing that will set me off like none other, because I already had issues with thoughts of doomsday causing panic attacks, and this year doomsday has been looking like much more of a possibility. I politely asked in as calm a voice as I could muster given I was three seconds from a panic attack, if they could please change the subject. Brony immediately turns to me and says "This is MY apartment, I'll talk about whatever I want." Fine, I'll leave, you ignorant fuck, even though I am here as a guest of someone else (Draco) who lives here and pays the exact same in bills that you do. I ended up not leaving, and Draco stood up for me and said that I wasn't comfortable with the topic because it sets me off very badly. He's seen it first hand unfortunately on more than one occasion in the past year. Everyone else in the group took my side and agreed that the debate was getting too heated anyway and they should stop. He begrudgingly said fine. Once the topic was changed, I was fine and we all finished eating and went back to playing. He turned to me twenty minutes or so later and said (interrupting combat, by the way) that he wanted to apologize for speaking to me the way he did, and that he "didn't know it bothered [me] that much." Dude, when someone politely asks you to change the subject, they have their reasons. Be a half-decent human and oblige. It doesn't cost you anything at all. Then he proceeded to bitch about people being on their phones during combat instead of paying attention. Dude, we all have our strategies and know what we are doing. We don't need to know every little move everyone makes every round. His turns took the longest anyway because he was still figuring out his character! Oh, and shortly after complaining for the second time he pulled out his laptop and was showing shitty youtube videos, still in the middle of combat. Fucking hypocrite. He likes to bitch about how we run things in our campaign. Brony, you're not the DM. You're a player now. Shut the fuck up and sit your ass down. If you have an issue with it, then go the fuck away. We were having fun before you got here and started bitching constantly. I really hope he decides to leave the group again. I'd like to enjoy D&D like I was before.
My family threw this big(ish) Halloween party a little while back, and for it we got a few new rather large decorations. One of them is a 4' skeleton horse that I have named Alfalfa, after the character from The Little Rascals. He neighs and flashes red eyes. We couldn't really find anywhere to store him (the 7' animatronic werewolf took up a lot of space) so we stood Alfalfa in our front entryway. With the marble floor and everything he looks like a cute museum display. I decorated him for Thanksgiving with a felt banner we had. I wanted to make him construction paper turkey feathers to wear around his tail like a bird, but I didn't get the chance. I am excited to decorate him for Christmas. I plan to give him a santa hat and stockings. If I can find some small ornaments I want to put them in his eye sockets.
In other D&D news, I have started recording our adventure. I have been taing notes during sessions as we play. At first it was to keep track of questlines and what we needed to do. I also wrote some really good lines of RPing that we would do. I have been turning it into more of a story format now, and shared it with the guys in the group. They have all been commenting on it and getting really into it, which surprised me. I didn't expect them to be that interested in rereading our adventure when they had aready participated in it. It has been nice, too, because the ast few sessions we have had a person missing (different people each time), so they were all able to catch up very quickly before the next session. One of them was even following along and commenting as we played, which was a lot of fun to see his thoughts and reactions in real time.
Hope everyone had a great November!
dungeons and dragons