2:00 PM-ish: So I'm at Stanford Hospital getting my infusion of white cells. And tantalizingly there is wireless, and it won't let me on. I need someone to sponsor me for an account, which is deeply annoying. Tonight I'll send email to my friend who is a Stanford Professor and ask him if he'll sponsor me so I can use the wireless while I'm at the hospital, since I'll be doing this every three weeks or so indefinitely.
If I ran a big public hospital in an area as thick with geeks as Silicon Valley is, I'd allow public connections from the hospital. I mean, seriously.
I got a bunch of premeds before I started the IVIG infusion: tylenol, benedryl and steroids. The combination is making me feel kind of weird and loopy, tired and hyper at the same time. Or maybe the IVIG itself is making me feel weird. It can make your blood pressure drop, and mine's been going down each time they've checked.
I tried to work on some writing I brought with me, and I can't concentrate. Same for studying Japanese. I should do homework, but I'm too spacy and tired and weird feeling. Maybe I'll play with my DS Lite. Maybe not.
This treatment is gonna take a while. It's 2:20 now. I should get finished by 5:00. And oh shit my head. I'm getting a headache. I sometimes get horrible headaches from the treatments. Let's hope this headache is just allergies, cause I really don't need the IVIG headache. Seriously.
OK, it's 4:20 now. I slept, and that made the headache go mostly away. I walked a little, too. I'm slightly wheezy, but it's nothing severe. I'm gonna see if I can focus yet. Still no network, of course, and evidently my cell phone is getting no signal either. Next time I'll have to plan better. I'd forgotten how exhausting it is getting these treatments. Doesn't make any sense that it's so tiring, since all you're doing is sitting around getting an IV for hours and hours. But I guess the infusion of new immune cells into the body causes all sorts of excitement internally, as some of the existing immune cells (the ones that are working) react to the influx.
In other minorly annoying news, my arm hurts from the iv, and I have cramps. ><
Thank god for my new ipod and my noise-cancelling headphones. And I just tried writing again, and seriously, I just can't focus. I get a sentence down, and then I stop and stare at it and feel exhausted. How annoying.
And now it: 6:30 I'm home, but I left the power supply for my Mac at the damn hospital, and the Ambulatory Treatment Center is closed for the night. I've been meaning to get a spare power supply anyway. And frankly at the moment I'm completely wiped out. So I'm gonna post this, go crash til rush hour's over, then go to the Apple Store and buy an extra power supply. I'll get my original one back tomorrow, I guess.
I should be online after 8:30 my time. Loren, we need to discuss tomorrow!