Voting Drama: Prayer Works!

Nov 04, 2008 12:12

I went to my polling place to vote at 10:00 this morning. They said my name was not on the roster of registered voters. They had two lists, one of people who are supposed to vote at that polling place, listed by address, and the official roster, where you sign your name to get your ballot. I was on the address list, but not the roster. I checked.

They said I could vote a provisional ballot, but I know that provisional ballots are often not counted. Fortunately there was a woman from a voter rights group there, who called her headquarters for me. I spoke to the woman at their HQ, who said her computer showed me as NOT registered. This was VERY alarming. I've been a registered voter in this county for two and a half years. The woman suggested I talk to the election supervisor for my polling place. She also gave me the phone number for the Democratic Party of San Mateo County office.

The polling place official turned out to be not terribly helpful, and only offered me the option of a provisional ballot again, which I declined. He gave me a card with the number for the San Mateo County Registrar of Voter's office. I went outside and phoned them. They said I was NOT registered. I insisted I was, I had voted previously, I had received all my voter material for this election so obviously some part of the system knew I was registered, and I had not changed my registration in over 2 years. They suggested I go to the main office in City Hall and talk to the people there.

I thanked them, hung up. I cried. Obviously this is an election I really care about, and it's one where the margins are going to be slim. This is an election where even one vote-MY vote-could make a difference. I was horrified at the idea that I might be disenfranchised.

Then I called my friend Anet, who is a strong spiritual channel. Together we asked the Goddess to change the Universe and make it so I could vote. She lit a candle for me. And she reminded me that even if I wasn't able to vote, I had done good work for my cause.

I got downtown and parked. Called the County Democrats. The woman there found my registration immediately. She said she was looking at the San Mateo County Voter Registration website, and that I was indeed registered. The very same website where the San Mateo County Election officer said he could not find me registered less than a half hour previously.

I went into City Hall, talked to the election officials, and yes, YES! I was listed as a registered voter. I got to vote a REAL ballot, not a provisional one. I voted at City Hall, and decided after all those computer snafus to use a paper ballot rather than trust the voting machines. But I VOTED. I feel a little bad about having voted a paper ballot, because I know those don't get counted as quickly as the electronic ones, but I wanted to be absolutely sure my ballot was a good one.

It's a huge relief. And really scary. How did my name disappear from the list like that? And how many other people has this happened to? And how many of them had the persistence to make sure their vote was counted?

Thank you Goddess-God-Eternal Spirit. I am astonished and grateful.

Tonight I'll be going to an election party at my friend owldolatrous's house. I hope all my fellow American's who are voting today have an easier time of it than I did. And I pray for the safety of all those involved in the election, on all sides.

voting, prayer

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