Hi Everybody!
I'm here with some new layouts!
[1] Aragaki Yui
[1] Nishikido Ryo
[1] Tanaka Koki
[1] Kanjani8
[1] Kamenashi Kazuya
Theme: Flexible Squares
Sidebar: No
Account Type: Basic/Plus/Paid
1. Download the layout you want and unzip it
2. Go: Home> Journal > Customize Journal
3.Under "Select a New Theme", type "Flexible Squares" in the Search box. Choose theme and apply. <-IMPORTANT
4. Scroll down to "Choose a Page Setup", and click "Apply Layout" under "1 Column (no sidebar)". <- IMPORTANT
5. Go: To the right > Customize your theme> Customize CSS
- check the three boxes, make them say "NO"
- Paste the layout code in the box
(if you can't see those 3 boxes you haven't completed the 3rd step)
Go to your manage profile page, under bio add this
Layout by
For Plus layouts:
Deepending on what color your flexible square theme has you might want to change the colors so that the bar with ads doesn't look so out of place.
This you do under Customize your journal > Customize your theme> Style > Colors
"Background color of the outer table" is what you should change into some color that you think fits better.
And make sure your ads are places horizontally! <- IMPORTANT.
You change ads placement at customize your journal > page set up (at the bottom of the page).
Each zip file contains:
Code + icon
They're located at MU
Aragaki Yui
Download here
Nishikido Ryo
Download here.
Tanaka Koki
Download here.
Download here.
Kamenashi Kazuya
Download here.
Credits can be found here. (This time I used Boys_Paper scans and different brushes). Got scans from ikujinashi as well. Ryo scans are from zsuness .
I hope there won't be any problems this time with links and stuff. ^^
I'm posting them tonight so that you'll be able to ask questions tonight and tomorrow. I'm going abroad tomorrow night, so any questions asked after that won't be answered during March.
If you got questions when I'm gone you can read trough those comments I've all ready answered, as well as the comments to the previous post where I answered people who had problems. (It's probably gonna be the same problems this time as well.)
Be sure to follow the instructions correctly!
Quick answers
If you find your journal starting 1/2 page down it's because:
1. the ads are not placed horizontally (plus accounts)
2. you haven't removed the sidebar
Look for the red IMPORTANT arrows in the directions, and you'll find how to change it.
If you find your journal looking strange in some other way (like the header won't show up). It might be because you have the wrong THEME on your journal. Read the directions once more and change your theme to flexible squares.
If it's something else, ask ^^.
And please everybody, if you know the answer to some questions that might pop up, please answer and help each other. I'm going on vacation so I won't be here you know.~
YES, It's ok to change the header & stuff, as long as you credit me for the code.
Beset Wishes~