Jul 02, 2009 18:35
Well since I evidently don't make time to write in my lj (or read it for that matter) I think it only right to let you all know that I'm now on twitter (shawnvall) and you are all welcome to invite me and I'll return the favor. I do in fact keep up on twitter, so there's a chance I might actually see what you post there!
I believe the last time I posted I had not yet migrated to Boston. Well I have indeed successfully transitioned over to the east coast (not personality or attitude-wise), have an apartment to myself, a new car (Saab 92-x), a thousand new smart phones (I'm a researcher for Nokia now, after all....I NEED them for the research....really!), a bunch of new home furnishings (even a french coffee press!), and a new Scottish girlfriend named Alison (working on her phd at Northeastern Uni). I work all the time, travel around seeing new places on the weekend, cook when I have the time, and slowly but surely pay down all of my 5 trillion loans. I'm also feeling old, putting on a few pounds from sitting at a desk more often then running around after girls (oh, the old days). I guess I'm an adult now, but at the very least I still have no respect for rules and ignore them whenever possible. I guess that pretty well sums up my general essence of being for the moment. Drop me a line on twitter and we can keep in touch (if anyone is still reading this journal, that is :-p).
Cheers, and have a great fourth of July!
Bamb bang kaboom!