Crap! I should have been a Biologist! Nice of me to realize that NOW!

May 10, 2008 12:03

I knew I should have been a biologist!  I'm that guy that sits in the back of a human factors lecture on the structure and function of the eye and light/color perception who raises his hand and starts asking questions about how this or that must function differently in fish and aquatic mammals.  I'm freaking studying HUMAN FACTORS and I'm entirely more interested in patently ANIMAL factors.

I should be writing a systems essay on control room designs in nuclear power plants, but instead I became fixated on spider sexual dimorphism and other members of the arachnids which closely resemble spiders but which are in fact only relatives (like camel spiders--which actually do not possess venom [aside from one type in India] or a localized anaesthetic despite rumors--and daddy long legs spider is an extremely general name for something like 990 different species of arachnid--most of which are not even spiders and do not possess venom or webs.)

Maybe I'll finish my degree, work a few years, then go back to school and get a PhD in some discipline of biology.

I have a sneaking feeling that I'm going to have a busy life.
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