Dec 22, 2024 01:11
It's one of the days that I should get to work relatively early, so I should go to bed any time now.
Later: I got to work on time, and did my thing. It was very cold out, and I was outside part of the time, but I wore many layers, and my winter coat blocks cold and wind very well. It was fairly busy, despite the weather.
The horticulture folks offered their "extra" cut greens for the holiday. I picked up several evergreen boughs. Mom was not happy when I brought them inside, although I'd put them on a large plastic bag that's by the door specifically to protect the carpet when I bring plants in. I put the branches back outside and worked on cleaning more of the living room. I recycled a lot of paper, and it looks better now. It's not perfect, and there's a lot more paper I can recycle, but there's a visible improvement.
The 'Merry Christmas' amaryllis is blooming. The 'King Star,' 'Aquaro' and 'Cherry Blossom' amaryllises have buds. The 'Apple Blossom' amaryllis bloomed in November or so. The 'Picotee' and 'Gervase' amaryllis are showing some green at the top of the bulbs.
The Star-of-Bethlehem flowers are blooming in their pretty pot. I'm debating what to do with the Ornithogalum umbellatum(sp.?) bulbs in the spring. They're invasive. I may try growing them in a pot, and deadheading them before they go to seed. I have Ornithogalum nutans bulbs in the front yard. I moved them from one place to another. I'd planted them fairly late in the fall, but they still bloomed. They're advertised as not spreading out and blooming in places a little distance away from where they were planted. I saw differently in the historic plant garden at work this past spring.
I work on Monday, too. It's not an early day, but I'll try to go to bed earlier tonight than I did last night anyway.