Dec 10, 2024 00:31
I have an appointment in the early afternoon. I may try to make it a video appointment. I have a lot of bulbs I want to plant.
In retrospect: I planted a few bulbs before I went to the appointment. I planted the rest of the Tenby daffodils and a mysterious daffodil bulb that was in the area, also atop the ground. I planted the new 'Irene Copeland' daffodil bulbs near last year's. I replanted another mysterious bulb, a daffodil bulb that was right under where I had a 'Delft Blue' hyacinth label. I planted a 'Gypsy Queen' hyacinth where the other hyacinth label had been. I planted a couple of oxalis corms(?) that had apparently been dug up. I didn't feel like I'd gotten a whole lot done.
It was drizzling as I headed out for my appointment, and raining lightly on and off for a while. I went to a garden nursery and found chelated iron for my jasmines and citrus trees with yellowing leaves. I also got a 'Gervase' amaryllis bulb and a small artificial Christmas tree.
When I got home, I potted up the amaryllis bulb and put that in the dining room. I decorated the Christmas tree and the very small one from the shed.
I did some editing work, and read for fun, too.
Some of the "star-of-Bethlehem" bulbs have sprouted and some of the sprouts have flower buds. Those should be blooming soon. The 'Merry Christmas' amaryllis looks like it will be blooming soon, too. The 'King Star' amaryllis is getting taller. I got a lot of amaryllises this year.