baby pictures!!
So the last month has been a rollercoaster. A fun one though. Once the zombieness began to subside everything began to feel wonderful. She began giving us tons of smiles 2 weeks ago which makes our hearts MELT, and is now trying to laugh too. She "talks" to us in coos and gurgles. When on her tummy she can hold her head up for as long as she wants. And when we hold her sitting up (I keep my hand behind her head just in case) she can hold her head up too. Technically, this modified sitting up doesnt usually happen until 4-5months along. She's a strong girl.
She's already over 9lb 8oz (wow) but is still in NB clothes - which are baggy on her still LOL.
However, all NB size socks/slippers are to small on her cause of her BIG FEET. Yes, she has my feet.
On another note, money was so tight last month. The people upstairs password protected their WiFi so we didnt really have internet, hence I havent been around. I waited until rent & bills were paid for last month (since Nato took time off work it ended up messing us all up) to decide that internet was affordable again for us.
So we have our own cable internets now, and all should be well.