Youth Baby

Jul 09, 2006 19:44

This could be long and i don't know how to do that shorten thing and make it like an LJ link.

So fourth of July rocked, i dunno if i told you all about the jason mraz concert and how the rain waited until after the concert was over so that no one's equipment got ruined, which was one of those little acts of nature and fate that made me smile.

then we danced in the rain and waited for the traffic to die down (apparently some woman had her baby in the congested traffic to get out of the hotel...the concert took place on a golf course at the most ritzy hotel in tucson). while waiting we met some awesome people and rolled down grassy hills with them and this ultra hot boy who was speaking in a fake australian/scottish accent asked me for my number and i felt really yummy. i gave it to him, but alas, he never called, oh well, life most certainly goes on.

so that was wonderful, rain and making friends and possible romances on our way to the car.

then kaitlin and i went to Pinetop with my parents this past weekend to hang out in the woods in our little log cabin. that was fun, kaitlin and i were our usual dorky, little girl selves. i love her. i want everyone at oxy to meet her and be possibly annoyed by how uninhibited and crazy happy we are when we are together. i love hanging out with her because we always make friends because she has an uncontrollable urge to talk to people who she thinks look interesting. i love it. in pinetop for example, we met an acupuncturist who moved from scotland to kansas to california to phoenix to pinetop (population something like 4,000). we talked about the awesome cinnamon glazed pecans and almonds in the lobby of the pinetop movie theater and kaitlin ended up getting some for free from him during pirates.

the reason i tell you of our escapades is this: grown-ups suck. when we went to dinner with my parents and the "family friends" who are happen to be the most fun loathing couple of a judge and the head of the U of A police dept. we told a story of how we say "applausos" (or however you spell that italian/spanish word) when we see something that makes us want to clap, regardless of whether or not it is deemed socially acceptable. the woman's response was:
"ah, youth"
and my mom smiles knowingly and says "yes, to be young again"
uh, what the fuck? why not just say "ahhh, idiocy and naivety, we are so above that now"
yeah, you are above that with high blood pressure and cholesterol knocking on your door every day. bitches. i mean seriously, so we have a little fun. we both know how to censor ourselves and be polite if we were meeting the queen of england, or most recently visiting a prospective for a performance space for the show we are student directing. but when we don't need to be all prim and proper with sticks up our asses we like to have no nonsense fun.

we were at a restaurant that we will probably never go to again, we didn't interrupt anyone's dinner, we didn't treat the wait staff with indignance or anything, we just laughed loudly at little things and we were reprimanded off the cuff.

that is total bullshit. if i want to act this way and live as happily and meet as many people as possible to fill my lifetime with smiles then i am going to. and i would appreciate a little common courtesy, since they feel they have mastered adulthood maybe that concept isn't too hard to grasp, in that you don't need to judge my lifestyle anymore than i shouldn't judge your grown-up, sophisticated prattle.

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