I Want To Be An Important Thunderstorm

Jun 07, 2006 20:26

that title could be misleading. really it's an amalgamation of the two subjects of this entry.

number 1: i was thinking today, and i realized that whenever i meet someone new, who i want to continue correspondence with i always want to be important in their lives. i'm not sure if it's like not wanting to be forgotten after i am gone or what. i just know that i really want to be important. selfish? most likely. but i know that if i feel strongly enough about them, then why would i want anything less to be reciprocated? also, i think there's something of a self confidence that i know myself to be a truly great and enjoyable person and i want the people i hang around to see and experience everything i feel i have to offer them. i can't think of a specific example, but i know there have been people who don't understand or perceive me the way i think they should, or even in a way that seems remotely positive, and they are people who i want to continue to have in my life. this creates a huge dilemma. i am glad i can't think of any examples right now because that makes me feel like i am living to my full potential.

number 2: i think i am a thunderstorm reincarnated. that sounds whacked out, off the wall, ca-Razy, i know. but i remember when i was little and i was terrified of thunderstorms, to the point that i would rock back and forth under the covers and sometimes psyche myself out enough that i thought i was going to die and i would throw up. and then i grew up and something happened, i dunno, maybe i became masochistic. who knows, the point is, i love thunderstorms now, specifically monsoons. and they are starting early this year and i love it.

i think you all know how much i love monsoon season, i bought a car with a hatchback solely for the purpose of watching the storms. but i also just feel so effective when i stand in the rain and hear the thunder and watch the lightning pop up in the most unexpected places. i feel like a god or something.

it's obviously impossible to describe as this entry just sounds like a huge ball of cheese. but i really do feel like i know something nobody else knows about the storms. i feel like no one else sees the clouds in the shapes and colors that i do. no one else sees the lightning before it strikes. and most importantly no one respects and tempts the storms like i do. i feel so invigorated by monsoons. if i could build a house out of monsoons i would.
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