Dec 31, 2004 01:05
There must come a point when one realizes that their mind is truely as infinite as any universe in existence, and twice as infected with multiple layers of thought. Science can explain to us what there is to the cosmos, but only as far as the eye can see. But the eye cannot see the mind, for the mind governs the eye, and from what we can see, the mind does not want to be seen. It shall keep itself shrouded in secrecy, as it has for many millenia, and each time man wishes the delve more into themselves to try and unravel life's greatest and potentially darkest mystery, some new invention stops them cold. Recently, the creating of narrowminded religions and computers (how ironic) have helped to hinder the introspective process. We look to this two pillars of idology and technology to surrender to us the answers of the void. However, he seem to be side stepping why these advents have not given us our ultimate power: These two branches of life were created at times when the human mind was and still is limited. Man made creations cannot explain what the creators cannot tell it to explain, therefore we create a vicious circle of constant absent mindedness. Mankind is not perfect, nor has it even been expected to be, however medocrity is so far from perfection, one may say that we no longer strive for perfection, but are instead content with bunking along side mediocrity.
Solutions? Were it possible for one to conjure all the answers to our questions on the mind, then we would not be where we are. People would not be dying in Iraq. Perhaps nature would not be taking her bittersweet revenge out on the already poverty stricken South Asians. Hindsight is always 20/20, but perhaps that is where we have faltered. Always dreaming of the romantic past, one of simplicity, or more specifcally, a past where we can juggle multiple theories without question. What parts of our mind we can access ourselves are content with not looking to the future on average, which is why confessions of clairvoyance are always bogus in nature. We fantasize about the potential for our future, while never being able to find out how to create that apparently far fetched dream. Creativity is the start of the thought process, be it in science or arts, someone needs to create a thought to proceed. Perhaps being far fetched is the requirement for a fulfilling future. If one is content to simply sit in one spot of comfort, then one will never find the next step. Sitting on the stairs of mental evolution does not aid the process, it stunts it.
Perhaps that is where mankind as a whole is stuck. In this constant process of limbo where half hearted attempts are rewards, while blood drenched dedication is scrutinized and obliterated on the very ground where it was to percevere. Success stopped before it could start, and the process repeats itself many times each hour, of every day. That is the nature of modern society, and many suffer through it with the dream of a proverbial brighter day. DO NOT wait for that day, create it. Release your mind and expand the horizon created by those who know no fear....either let your mind fly, or let nature play the part it was destined to play at the creation of this world, be it by the hand of a omnipotent being, or the hand of solar science. Do not smother nature, for her clear mind can expand further then mankind could imagine. Nature, and all that is not synthetic, deserves the stronger chance at survival....
...that is, in the eyes of this progeny.
Self proclaimed Son of Northern Warfare