Take That!

Feb 20, 2006 14:53

Isn’t it dreadful when you are sneakily reading the intraweb at work, and inadvertently get the giggles. Each progressive read becomes funnier and funnier, resulting in much red faced snorting and eye watering. I keep having to go out to the loo to regain my composure. I’m sure they all think I have a tummy upset.

In household news, we have decided upon a formica for the kitchen benches. Soon, the pink nastiness will be gone and we will be left with acres of pristine blue speckled, knobbly formica. Bizzy Lizzy doesn’t feel that the new benchtops will massively increase the value of the house as much as doing over the entire kitchen; but the psychological gains far outweigh the cost. Gone! Will be the nasty pink, and they will probably have that new benchtop smell.

We have also decided on a colour to paint the bathroom. I went with Bizzy LIzzy on Saturday and did much chosing of colours of things. I came home with two colour samples, which turned out to look remarkably similar when put up in the bathroom. We both like the slightly darker yellow one. It’s not yellow yellow, like the lounge/kitchen, but a pale vanilla custard colour. I spoke importantly about colour flow in the house, and GIAB laughed hysterically at me. It doesn’t really matter, the main thing is we’ve picked a colour. I now have in my possession the sealant and can begin the fun part of the process. The slapping stuff on the walls bit.

I have seen a fancy schmancy towel rail, which I’m going to purchase when I get the paint. It’s sort of D shaped and shiny and chrome. It is the same width as the current wee hand towel rail, but has more bars for hanging things on. There’s also a little shelf at the top for pretty arrangements of neatly rolled hand towels in trendy colours. (Note to GIAB: Yes this does mean I will be buying little hand towels!) Or even a plant. I’m very excited and wish I could put up the hand towel rail without all that bother of painting and so forth. However I realise this will affect the look of the bathroom. Best to stick with plan A and paint first.

In other purchases (yes, we had a wild time, Lizzy and I) we now own a flash new chrome laundry basket. It’s round, lined with a calico liner thingummy, and has wheels for ease of relocation to the laundry. Continuing on the chrome and shiny theme, we also have a new R2D2 shaped rubbish bin for the bathroom. Originally this was purchased (40% off!) for the kitchen, but GIAB vetoed it, saying it was too small. He now wishes to make legs for it and remodel it as R2D2. Probably to scare the cat with.

This of course led to the further purchase, of yet another bin for the kitchen. This one was so big the freezer had to be moved over 2cm, in order that it fit in the gap between it and the bench. (The drawers wouldn’t open where it was). Moving the freezer, albeit only 2cm, resulted in GIAB doing a thorough clean behind the freezer and in the bin space. Take that! Stinky old bin, you are banished!
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