
Aug 30, 2010 01:49

[Rummaging through the kitchen for TruBlood.]

eric northman (vikingvampire), spike (killed2slayers), !open, godric (faderbroderson)

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faderbroderson August 30 2010, 06:53:15 UTC
Looking for something?


vikingvampire August 30 2010, 07:02:59 UTC
[Well, that's one way to make an entrance. Eric stands completely still, holding the large refrigerator door open and staring blankly at the contents. Hearing your maker's voice after so long will do that to a person. There are several things running through Eric's mind right now and the only thing he can think to say, is this.]

A bottle of TruBlood. There's a lack of willing donor's here.


faderbroderson August 30 2010, 07:10:49 UTC
Are there? Strange. But then, this place is new to me. Imagine my surprise to find myself pulled from death into a beautiful new world. A world with my child in it. I thought perhaps it was heaven.

[Godric speaks softly as he approaches. His body language is casual, but something in his voice gives away his awe, his amazement and his confusion.]


vikingvampire August 30 2010, 07:40:17 UTC
[He shuts the fridge door and slowly turns around. It's clear as day that Eric is surprised to see Godric and he's struggling with several emotions at the moment, all of which he's barely containing.]

Far from it, we're at a beach resort of some kind. I don't think anyone knows how we got here or why.

[Pause as he stares at his maker a moment.]

Godric...are you really here?


faderbroderson August 30 2010, 07:49:57 UTC
Yes. I'm really here. Can't you feel me?

[Because Godric can feel Eric, their bond thrumming between them like electricity. He stops and reaches out, holding out a hand for Eric to take when he gets up the courage. Establishing that he exists physically is just as important.]


vikingvampire August 30 2010, 08:09:02 UTC
[Damn those emotions clouding his mind, he wasn't thinking beyond his own shock. Of course he can feel the bond. It's as strong as it ever was. Eric blinks realizing that familiar connection has once again taken up that empty space it left when Godric died.]

Yes, I can.

[Eric takes Godric's hand into his own, still almost not believing what he's seeing. He gives Godric a smile that he rarely shows anyone.]

Det är bra att se dig igen.

[Google translation is a go: It's good to see you again.]


faderbroderson August 30 2010, 08:20:08 UTC
[Godric smiles softly in return, stepping forward to close the distance between them. His free hand comes up to caress Eric's cheek.]

Det är bra att se dig också. Är du bra?

[It's good to see you too. Are you well?]


vikingvampire August 30 2010, 08:30:35 UTC
[Eric's eyes close at the contact and for a moment he just revels in the fact that his maker is alive.]

Samt kan förväntas på en solig ö utväg. Det är synd att du missade zombies.

[As well as can be expected on a sunny island resort. It's a shame you missed the zombies.]


faderbroderson August 30 2010, 08:36:08 UTC
[Godric raises an eyebrow, half amused, half incredulous]



vikingvampire August 30 2010, 08:44:19 UTC
There was an onslaught of zombies a few weeks back. How they got here, I don't know, but they caused quite a disturbance.

[He reaches back into the fridge and grabs a bottle of blood.]

Are you hungry?


faderbroderson August 30 2010, 08:54:04 UTC

[He replies automatically, surprised when he discovers that it's true. A sudden return of appetite was not expected, but then, nothing about this place was. It's almost like a dream.]

It seems it's a mystery how anyone comes to be here.


vikingvampire August 30 2010, 09:06:18 UTC
[It's good that Godric doesn't seem to want to starve himself anymore. He twists the top off the bottle and hands it to him, then pulls another one out doing the same. He steps toward the kitchen door and waits for Godric to come along before leaving the kitchen behind entirely.]

There are plenty of us here, that I do know. Pam and Sookie, to name a couple. Bill is here as well, unfortunately. It might interest you to know there are other vampires here also. Ones that are different from us.


faderbroderson August 30 2010, 19:11:08 UTC
[Godric takes a sip and wrinkles his nose very slightly at the taste. He'd forgotten just how offensive TruBlood is, but it's still better than the alternative. He takes another sip and manages not to react this time.]

Different? How are they different?


let's just say he's been watching people since his arrival vikingvampire August 30 2010, 20:56:34 UTC
From what I understand, these vampires don't need to sleep during the day. They don't get the bleeds and they also don't have reflections. I'm not sure how that's possible, but for them it is.


stalker. faderbroderson August 30 2010, 21:07:33 UTC
...Strange. I never imagined such a thing. Perhaps some of the misconceptions regarding our race were not misconceptions at all, but a confusing of our kind with theirs.


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