Mmhm. [She perfunctorily agrees, but adds:] Of course, the day I start feeling anything less than unsettled? That's the day I'll know something is way, way wrong. Uhm, wronger.
It's not about it being an actual word, or not. It's about it being pretty much the aptest word available.
[Her smirk is friendly but cool. Distant. But a feeling creeps through her. Familiar, sneaky, and definitely wronger. Her smirk flips quickly into an easy frown. Buffy takes one lengthy step backwards.]
Sorry, must've skipped that day in English class. Y'know, the one where they taught you all the words I could've used express all of my intense dislike of stuff. God knows I could've used those words about five hundred thousand times, now.
[None-too-surreptitiously, Buffy begins to feel down her pockets. She always has a stake on her so where the hell is it right now? Just keep talking, blondie.] Besides, erroneous sounds like some kinda wacky Greek god name. How could that ever be apt?
Oh, hello. I am not thinking even the littlest bit about intimacy.
[Her nose wrinkles. She is far too distracted looking for her stake to really appreciate what she is being told. Really, she only picks up on every third or fourth word.
A-ha. There it is. She tugs the stake out of her back pocket and waggles it at the man.] Funny, I wasn't really expecting to meet a vamp here that I didn't already know.
And I'm not insinuatin' that you did, miss, simply clarifying on a possible origin behind your misconceptions.
[ welcome to the manners and speech of antebellum gentleman, buffy. he'll be discreetly eying that mark on your neck while ignoring that stake. this vampire is not only a non-threat, but someone who could take that stake out of your hand before you had the chance to point the right end in his direction. ]
I take it you make it your business to know the vampires in your usual area.
[ statement, not question. he may be judging by the angel-dracula bite scar and assuming your a fangbanger. 8| ]
[ really, buffy, bill means you no harm. he doesn't feed on humans! ...most of the time. there has to be a good reason and confusing blonde who abuses the english language isn't one of them. ]
Funny, most vampires would have gone in for the attack by now. All fang and no brain. [She kinda...mock-squints at him.] Have you not been taught this dance yet, or have you just forgotten the steps? 'Cause you're a bloodsucking demon and I'm a Slayer and usually that's suppose to equate to violence.
[A strange blonde decides to burst in and comment on your little soliloquy, Bill. What do you do, what do you do?]
I doubt there are many here who aren't.
[Her smirk is friendly but cool. Distant. But a feeling creeps through her. Familiar, sneaky, and definitely wronger. Her smirk flips quickly into an easy frown. Buffy takes one lengthy step backwards.]
[ bill is unphased. he's rather used to the recoiling of humans. not everyone is as comfortable in a vampire's presence. ]
[None-too-surreptitiously, Buffy begins to feel down her pockets. She always has a stake on her so where the hell is it right now? Just keep talking, blondie.] Besides, erroneous sounds like some kinda wacky Greek god name. How could that ever be apt?
[Her nose wrinkles. She is far too distracted looking for her stake to really appreciate what she is being told. Really, she only picks up on every third or fourth word.
A-ha. There it is. She tugs the stake out of her back pocket and waggles it at the man.] Funny, I wasn't really expecting to meet a vamp here that I didn't already know.
[ welcome to the manners and speech of antebellum gentleman, buffy. he'll be discreetly eying that mark on your neck while ignoring that stake. this vampire is not only a non-threat, but someone who could take that stake out of your hand before you had the chance to point the right end in his direction. ]
I take it you make it your business to know the vampires in your usual area.
[ statement, not question. he may be judging by the angel-dracula bite scar and assuming your a fangbanger. 8| ]
That stake isn't needed.
Funny, most vampires would have gone in for the attack by now. All fang and no brain. [She kinda...mock-squints at him.] Have you not been taught this dance yet, or have you just forgotten the steps? 'Cause you're a bloodsucking demon and I'm a Slayer and usually that's suppose to equate to violence.
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