Humbling [OPEN THREAD]

Apr 19, 2008 21:39

Well. It's been a while since he's woken up HERE.

It takes him a little bit to become fully cognizant. The first thing that strikes him, though, is that there's a dull ache pretty much everywhere. His right hand is the worst off, and a quick glance confirms the presence of a cast reaching up to the mid forearm, with a splint for the index finger. He also gradually becomes aware of a bandage on his nose, and around his ribs.

He'd been stupid. Really stupid.

He should have realized what a psychopath Kristoph Gavin was from the start; all the evidence was pointing that way. But a part of him wanted to rub it in, to show Kristoph that after all the hell he'd put him through over the month, he was going to be okay. In a childish way, he'd wanted to rub it in.

What a price he'd paid for it.

He leans back in the bed, closing his eyes lightly. Well. At least he knows not to underestimate Kristoph Gavins of any sort in the future.
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