Beyond Tired

May 23, 2009 01:10

It is after 1 AM, and I am beyond tired. I've been up since well before dawn. Midnight to be exact, and yet I do not have the urge to sleep.

Then again, I think at this point I am afraid to sleep as something is telling me if I do, I'll end up waking up much later than I want to, and still be on a night time schedule.

My bud Splitter has picked up the WoW addiction. He decided to play the 10 day free trial... oops. Another fish hooked. His wife has been watching him play... I think she too will soon have the addiction. The evil spreads.

I did stay up intentionally all day today, though. I was very intent on seeing Terminator Salvation, and was very pleased with the movie. I do suggest it if you're looking for something to see this weekend.
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