May 08, 2009 20:24
In my quest for something to eat that I would enjoy today, I decided upon DQ. For those not up with the lingo, that's Dairy Queen. I know. I know. Ice cream, but the one in this town has a bazier also (this is very important because I hate when I wander into a DQ that isn't a brazier and order a cheeseburger, only to get rewarded with the deer in headlights look). So, I order a couple of cheeseburgers (yes, Iko-ling, I know it's not good for my gout, but they're tasty) and a Blizzard. Blizzard is ready to go in 2 minutes. Cheeseburgers take 15 minutes.
Now, I'm sure some of you just did the math, and thought, I hope they made that Blizzard last. Nope. It happily sat on the counter for about 8 minutes waiting on the cheeseburgers. If the place had been less slam packed full of people, I'd have probably asked them to make another one. Instead, I'm blogging about it, so you can all go, "Damn, the man wanted a Blizzard and ended up with a melt-shake."
The cheeseburgers, on the other hand, did not fail to satisfy. Then again, it coulkd be the Aleve kicking in, making me feel oddly euphoric.
As always, I thank everyone for the birthday wishes. I celebrated by seeing Star Trek, and was fairly pleased with the movie. I was also happy with Simon Pegg as a young Scotty. So, all in all, it wasn't a terrible day. Boobs in the inbox would be icing on the cake, but that rarely happens.
And in case I'm quiet for weeks on end, like I always am, happy mother's day to all you mom's out there. It can be amazing what some of you do, and still manage to smile at the end of the day.