Jun 20, 2005 20:51
Lately my days have been clouded with a dull tiredness that I'd really like to get rid of soon. I think I might go to bed early tonight at 9:30. If it is possible.
Today I had a rather productive day. Woke up at 6am, which has been the norm lately (except on NSAR days when I wake up at 5am). So I have the early morning thing down fairly well. Then I drove to work, worked for 8.5 hours, drove back home, ate dinner, then walked around on the beach with my sister and mother. We intended to walk Marginal Way in Ogunquit, but when we found out they had already begun to charge for parking (isn't it still off-season?!?) we decided to drive to Ogunquit beach instead to walk around. It was extremely windy there, I'm glad I brought my windbreaker. The sand was all rippled from the high tide of earlier in the day, and the wind blowing the sand around made it look like we were trekking across desert sands. Mom, Jess, and I explored the cove for a bit--we were amused by the clam air holes in the sand when the tide went up. The sand bubbles upwards similar to a blister on one's skin, then bursts, and the air escapes and pops like a soapbubble. Jess and I dug up a clam, then let the tide cover him back up with sand. Too bad we have Red Tide again this year--I'm dying for authentic Maine clam cakes, none of this Nova Scotia stuff. Ah well. :-(
On the drive home along 109 in Wells we saw a moose cross the road. A young bull crossed about 100 feet ahead of our vehicle. Wow. When you see a moose you can't do much but stare at them--they are HUGE. The critter ran fairly quickly across the road too. It was weird that we saw one on the drive home. I remember on the drive to the beach I saw a "Moose Crossing" sign and thought to myself "it's been a while since I've seen a moose up close" ...and then poof, I saw one on the way home.
Tomorrow Jess and I are planning on going hiking. Originally we wanted to go hiking in the Lakes Region of NH, but we remembered that it is the biker's festival this week in Laconia. Might be bad timing, so we are thinking of an alternate place to hike.