I told you (me)

May 13, 2013 11:57

As soon as someone writes in any sort of journaling apparatus that they are going to make an effort to write more, the aforementioned writing always comes to an abrupt halt. Really, I should have seen this coming.

Though, to be fair, I was in a fairly serious car accident recently and am working on getting back on my feet. Quite literally, actually, as I broke one of them.

I am beyond tickled that the Bowie drabbles are starting up again in the Harem. I'll post my two contributions possibly sometime tonight. Someday, perhaps this summer, I'd like to get completely caught up on all of those, the Bowieverse as well as the drabbles from labyfic. Of course, I've got about three unfinished projects just sitting on my computer, waiting for my inspiration to come waltzing back into my life. And I had an idea for a fairytale retelling last night, though I don't know how that will go. A general idea is much easier than a structured outline.


real life

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