May 31, 2006 22:05
when the absolute highlight of your day (with ZERO exaggeration) is your brazillian wax you know it's been a bad day... whoa.
first, wake up late
second, leave the house without a shower because you missed your turn
third, have to move all the cars around because you got blocked in
fourth, spill your coffee all over yourself getting out of the car
fifth, guy sticks his head out the window laughing OUT LOUD at you covered in coffee
sixth, knock over the napkin container at the little japanese bakery next to work
seventh, get to work late and already have missed a call from your boss
eigth, fall out of your chair
ninth, find out that your boyfriend's vacation time has been denied/cancelled a day before you plan on leaving to visit him
tenth, find out you can change your flights to make more sense and save money, change them, and then find out it actually cost you more... but everything is fucked so you can't undo it
eleventh, have the most pain free speedy through and inexpensive contracted brazillian wax ever had
ps. mary ellen klien... i miss your face.. and i now have a american airlines credit for $396... so we'll see what we can do.