Sep 18, 2011 13:50
Heya guys! This handy post here serves for you to tell me if Kaede is allowed to absorb your character's handy powers accidentally.
How her powers work:
> She absorbs it by touch - touch even through clothes totally counts.
> Once she absorbs a new power she will lose the older ones she'd got - so she's not a super sponge like Peter from Heroes.
> She won't be adept at controlling them if they are too powerful/abstract.
> She can only absorb 'magical' type. I.e: if your character has a physical trait that makes them inhuman, she won't gain that. As in if she came into contact with Sony the Hedgehog, her skin wouldn't turn blue and she wouldn't grow spikes but she could gain super velocity instead.
That said, I ask you to fill out this small form if you want her to be able to absorb your character powers:
Power element (i.e: fire, water, gravity, etc):
Power description (i.e: create fire balls, weather change, etc):
Anything else?: