Round #99 Start & Special Reboot Repository

Dec 13, 2015 09:34

Round #98 is now closed. Thanks for participating! Voting will be up today.
Please tag any new icons round #99.
The last icon is here and you may use it to inspire the next icon as usual or you may use special guest reboot repository, thepicturepool*!

Please read the rules over here in ' How it Works' before using the pictures in repository.
Important: One use of the pictures to "reboot" is allowed per person per round.
Once a picture has been used it cannot be used again by another person.
Please tag any reboot icons with the !!!reboot tag.


You may use ANY picture from thepicturepool that is in a 2015 post. Please check the dates and do not use caps post from 2014 or 2016 (when it starts).
Each person may "reboot" by using the thepicturepool 5 times total - all other icons must be inspired by the previous icon made by someone else as usual.

You may post a reboot icon after another reboot icon for this round. In other words,
two or more reboots in a row by different makers is allowed for this round.
Please tell us that you've used the thepicturepool in your post.

All of the regular challenge rules still apply and are up in the user profile.

tag: !!!reboot repository, tag: #round: 099

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