Okay guys, we're in the home stretch now! Now is the time to finish up those tiny last minute details, get your work back from your BETAs, and stop stressing so much!
I am very proud to say that everyone who submitted fics at the rough draft check-point has submitted for a posting slot in the '08-'09 Next Gen Big Bang Challenge. Congratulations everyone! You've done a big thing, getting this far!
Now it's time to collate.
Artists: Post your artwork. I recommend doing this to your livejournal, and then making it a private post until the posting date (that way, the artwork stays a surprise until the grand unveiling of everything). Provide the link for your author, and sit back and relax. If you're working the art into particular scenes, make sure that they can be linked to easily; otherwise, I recommend posting them as a block of art that can be viewed as an addition to the story.
Authors: Post your story TO YOUR SITE OR LIVEJOURNAL. Again, I recommend making it private until your posting date if you post it to your livejournal, as I know a lot of you are doing. On your posting date, you will post to the community with the following header:
Title: the title of your story
Author: your penname
Artist: your artist, or artists in some cases
Pairing: the FOCUS pairing of your fic; any other pairings should not be noted in this header
Rating: be a little generous. If your story borders closely between PG-13 and R, go with the more conservative rating
You must provide A LINK TO THE STORY (either at the end of the header or at the title), as well as A LINK TO THE ART. This is the responsibility of the Author.
On the off chance that an Author misses their posting date by more than three days, the Artist can feel free to post their art independently.
If you have any questions, ask; I'll try to clear things up in a timely manner.
Monday, May 4: Of Cabbages and Kings by Maja Li.
Friday, May 8: Albus Potter and the Pure Blood Poisonings HP Sauce.
Tuesday, May 12: Season of the Witch by Nope JR.
Saturday, May 16: Unfinished Business by K C Stories.
Wednesday, May 20: Butterflies and Scorpions by Oky Doky.
Sunday, May 24: Drawing Out the Reluctant Edge by Court.
For those of you that were writing and illustrating, if you can give me your information before May 3, I can include you in the posting schedule. Otherwise, this is a FINAL LIST.