Title: Sometimes All You Need is a Little Push
hollys_treePrompt Number: 92
Rating: PG-13
Pairing/characters: James/Scorpius
Warnings/content: Highlight to read *underage drinking (16 and 17 years old)*
Medium or word count: 3,800
Summary: James never intended to tell Scorpius about his crush - but when Al, angry angels, too much glitter and a grumpy elf get involved, that choice isn't really his to make anymore.
Notes: I changed the prompt from "Christmas Eve" to "an evening somewhere before Christmas", but I hope I did justice to it otherwise. :) Many thanks to my betas, N and V for stepping in on short notice. <3
Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling. All works posted at this community were created entirely for fun without making any profit. No copyright infringement is intended.
Sometimes All You Need is a Little Push )