Title: Dark Lord, May I?
domolovesyouPrompt Number: #107
Rating: G
Pairing/characters: Canon pairings, all the next gen kids (look in A/N for the list of all of them ;D), hint to Teddy/Victoire and AS/S friendship 8)
Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to JK Rowling. All works posted at this community were created entirely for fun without making any profit. No copyright infringement is intended.
Medium or word count: ~1,000
Summary: The chaos of playing Aurors and Death Eaters (or, to Muggles, Cops and Robbers.)
Notes: I loved the prompt XD Click under the cut to see all the kids (because it was hard for me to keep track of them too XD;) Also, the title is named off of "Mother May I?" only not... ha ha get it? :P
Dark Lord, May I? )