Sep 05, 2012 10:53" href="">" src="">

- You can prompt ANY pairing you like as long as it is next-gen or cross-gen
- You can also prompt something that is not romance at all; we also accept gen prompts
- Your prompt can be anything (a quote, a song, a movie, a picture - though if you want to use a picture or a youtube video etc. please link to it instead of embedding it. Remember to add a warning if it's NSWF.)
- Even though this is a christmas/winter fest, it does not mean your prompt absolutely has to have something to do with the season, but why not keep it festive? ;D
- Your prompt can be for a specific pairing/characters or not, please state clearly in the prompt which is the case.
- Submit as many prompts as you like!
- Submitting a prompt does not mean you have to claim one later. ;D
- if you do not have an LJ username, please put your ao3/dreamwidth/tumblr/whatever username instead.
- if you edit your comment to include more prompts, please mark where the new prompts begin. We add the prompts to the prompt sheet as they come in and this way it's easier for us to see what's new and what isn't.
- Lastly, please use the following template for your prompt submission:

Is it: Gen / het / femmeslash / slash:

ETA: Anyone who wishes to offer their (winter/holiday themed next-gen/cross-gen) fics for podficcing for this fest, can use this template:

Is it:Gen / het / slash / femmeslash
Word count:
Link to fic: (please put the raw link here)

Please bear in mind that podficcers aren't required to choose one of your fics, or indeed any of the fics offered, and can choose to read something else. By offering up your fics for podficcing you are simply helping with pooling together appropriately themed fics for them. :)
Please only offer up your own fics and do not offer fics on behalf of someone else, even if that person has a Blanket Permission statement in their profile.


!prompting, !mod

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